Friday, March 21

HS V BB - at West Carroll, followed by JV, 4:30pm

HS Wrestling Awards Night - at The Mill Wheel in Milledgeville, 6:00pm

Senior Pictures - need to be turned in to Mrs. Todd by next Friday, March 28.  

Yearbook Pictures - The yearbook staff is looking for any pictures you have taken from this year you would like to share .                      

              ~ Jr High Academic Bowl
              ~ High School Academic Bowl
              ~ Fall Play 
              ~ Random friends at school activities - - Email them to Mrs. Todd.

Community Service Opportunities

~ Eastland PTO ~ is looking for help with childcare during their monthly meetings again this year. If you are interested in earning community service hours please see Mrs. Haverland.

~ Concession Stands ~ See Miss Holly or Mrs. Swart.

~ Bags to Mats - See Mrs. Haverland or Mrs. Higley or go to Schoology to sign up

~ See Mrs. Haverland for new opportunities